The KI2FITNESS family works hard for their results! I empower my clients to own their fitness journey and crush the goals they set for themselves. Check out some of their stories below!
“I met Ki’anie in 2014, my youngest son was 5 months old and I was still working on those last few pounds of baby weight. I started taking his bootcamps and over time we became friends and I started training with him one on one twice a week.He introduced me to weight lifting, showed me how to use the equipment and proper form, and got me rolling with a program. I fell in love! Weights were definitely what I needed to get the weight off and build the body I wanted. He showed me how to track my macros in addition to weight lifting, and that’s what got me to where I am today. I’m in better shape now at 40 than I was at 30, heck, 25! I’m finally wearing shorts and swim suits and feeling confident, no more wishing I could wear them! Ki’anie has guided me every step of the way. On those days when I didn’t think I could do it, he was always there for me with a text, a visit, or a pep talk that pushed me to keep going. Don’t keep wishing, just do it! Ki’anie is the real deal, he’ll get you the results you want. I’m thankful for our friendship!"
“My name is Kelsey and I moved to Kansas City approximately 1 year ago. Before the move my focus was on finishing grad school with little time to focus on my health. Moving to Kansas City I started to work out twice a day and limit my food intake. After 3 months I did not see a change on the scale or in the mirror. One of my friends mentioned to me about Ki’anie and his boot camps and personal training sessions and I thought I would give it a try. Over the next 10 weeks I gained confidence, strength (hello abs and biceps), determination, and a drive to continue to be better every day. Over the next 10 weeks with Ki’anie’s workout plans and meal plans (constantly full from the frequent meals, often hard to eat as much as it stated) I lost approximately 17 lb., 6% body fat, and the negative attitude I can’t change the way I look. I can confidently say I am in the best shape of my life thanks to Ki’anie, and just in time for my wedding!”
“I was introduced to Ki’anie Brooks from two friends who had been going to him for personal training. From the moment I met Ki’anie, he made me feel completely welcomed and comfortable to his style of personal training. He made me personalized meal plans and a 6 week workout plan that was tailored to my body and my personal goals. Ki’anie made himself readily available for questions or explanations if I needed them. The workouts I did with him were always different with little down time, which kept me from getting bored. His energetic demeanor and positive attitude is infectious! The results I’ve seen just 6 weeks in are completely exceeding my expectations. Cannot wait to continue my fitness journey with him!”
- Angela, right
"Ki'anie helped me transform from an inactive former athlete to a stage ready figure competitor...twice. He began the journey to stage as my trainer, and ended the journey as my friend. He provided me motivation in my workouts and the encouragment I needed in my nutrition journey to meet all my goals. He stayed with me as I battled the mental game post show and has forever changed my outlook on nutrition and fitness. I credit my improved body image and relationship with food to his constant support. I will forever be grateful for his knowledge, commitment, and friendship."
"My name is Chad and I’m 48 years old. I started getting healthy about 10 years ago when I was staring at 40. I exercised pretty intensely - weight lifting, Cardio, various classes at the gym - and also started eating healthier. I was in pretty good shape but I felt like I had plateaued. I wanted to be more lean but no matter how hard/much I exercised the extra pounds and body fat would not come off. My goal of sub 10% seemed like a pipe dream, especially at my age. I went to Ki’anie for a macro nutrition plan in August 2015 after a friend of mine referred me after she got great results. My BF was 19.5% when I started the plan but I noticed results within weeks. The plan was so easy that it became and remains a way of life. I also went to Ki’anie’s boot camp for my huge weekly calorie burn. A year later I’m down 10 lbs to 8% BF! It’s been a blast learning about nutrition and how to fuel my body to get the most workout “bang for my buck”! I owe it all to Ki’anie."
"When I first started meeting with Ki’anie I would have said I was in decent shape though, I had recently started gaining weight and was unsure why, so I wanted Ki’anie’s help to slim down. In the beginning I only wanted to meet with him to train. I was a very clean and healthy eater so I didn’t think I needed any help with nutrition. A few months went by and I was seeing changes but not nearly as dramatic as I was hoping for. So Ki’anie asked me to trust him. He said he would build a work out and meal plan that would get me the results I wanted but I had to trust him and follow his advice. So I took a leap of faith and put my trust in him. Let me tell you, it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. He set me up with an online workout program and nutrition plan. I watched my body transform from puffy and fluffy to lean and mean. The best part, Ki’aine had my back 100% of the time through the journey. He would check in on my progress each week, and send me encouragement when I wanted to give up. The programs he sent were not only easy to follow but also challenged me. If I ever had questions during my workouts, I could always count on him to talk me through a new exercise while I was at the gym. Ten months later I have put on (insert number here) of lean muscle and couldn’t be more pleased. I cannot begin to tell you how many people comment on my physique and ask me how they can get their body looking like mine. We still have a road ahead of us to help me achieve all my goals, but I am so thankful for the time, and heart Ki’anie has put into me so far."